Trade Day Pre-Registration

  • Registration
  • Confirmation
  • Registration Completed

This is pre-registration form for trade day(Oct.16-18).
Please enter the required information.


  • Please be sure to enter a visitor's own information. If it is found that the registered information (company name, name, address, e-mail, etc.) is not the visitor's own, the visitor may be denied entry.
  • Please be sure to fill in all fields marked with an asterisk (*).
  • Please enter your e-mail address correctly so that we can send you an e-mail to confirm your registration.
  • The organizer may deny the entry of visitors who come for purposes other than business meetings.
  • For admission to Trade and Public Day on October 19 (Sat.), tickets are different from those for Trade Day. Please refer here for more details.

Personal Information

Last Name
Your name is printed to the Admission Pass in the following format:"First name Last name"
First Name
Company Name*
*If you are a student, please enter your school name.
Please select country of your company location by the pull-down.
Postal Code*
e.g. 1350063
Please use single-byte numbers/alphabets without hyphens.
Town, City, State*
e.g.Ariake, Koto-ku, Tokyo
Name of building, etc.
e.g.#3F Tokyo Big Sight Building
Please use single-byte numbers without hyphens.
Please include country code. No need for the international dialing code.
* Emails are often entered incorrectly. Please make sure that your email address is correct.
E-mail(to confirm)*
* Please retype your E-mail Address to confirm.
Login ID*
This ID is for the visitor's website. Please enter between 6 and 30 characters.
Characters that can be used: single-byte alphanumeric characters (a-z, A-Z, 0-9) and symbols (-, _, +)
Login Password*
This will be the password for the visitor's website. Please enter at least 8 characters, including single-byte alphabetical characters (a-z, A-Z) and single-byte numbers (0-9).
Characters that can be used: single-byte alphanumeric characters (a-z, A-Z, 0-9) and symbols (-, _, +)
Login Password(to confirm)*
Rather not say
60 plus
Type of Industry*
Government / Official / Education
Air Line / Air Cargo
Trading, Agency
Sales / Merchandise
Research / Development
Design / Manufacturing / Industrial
Planning / Marketing
Quality Control / Inspection
Materials / Purchase
Purpose of Visit [Multiple selections allowed]*
Collecting product information (Trading)
Developing business partner
Collecting industry trends
Attending seminar,events
Purchasing decision*
3.In an advisory capacity
4.Giving opinions as an user
5.No influence
Field of interest [Multiple selections allowed]*
1.General Aviation(Includes Business Jet, Helicopter)
6.Research / Development
The way you found this exhibition [Multiple selections allowed]*
3.Social Media
4.E-mail newsletter
5.Web advertisement
6.Information from acquaintances
7.Information from colleagues
8.Information from business partners
9.Information from school or university teachers
10.TV or Radio program
Information provided by the organizer*
Receive announcements from Tokyo Big Sight Inc.
Consent for the Treatment of Personal Data*



Privacy Policy

Tokyo Big Sight Inc. Privacy Policy (Personal Information Protection Policy)
Please confirm Privacy Policy below.
Personal Information Protection Policy
Tokyo Big Sight Inc. (hereafter known as Tokyo Big Sight) performs operation and management of the Tokyo International Exhibition Center and conducts organization of trade fairs and building management.
Tokyo Big Sight recognizes that the protection of personal information is very important and considers it to be a social responsibility and duty.
Therefore, the following Privacy Policy have been defined and all employees should be familiarized with the contents.

1.Collection, Usage, and Provision of Personal Information
When Tokyo Big Sight acquires personal information, the purpose of usage must be clarified and the information must be gathered in legal and fair means. The usage and provision of personal information must remain within the clarified and predefined usage and provision.

2.Purpose of Usage for Personal Information
Tokyo Big Sight uses personal information gathered from customers for the following purposes.

1.Contact parties or follow procedures related to the use of facilities managed by Tokyo Big Sight.
2.Provide Information related to exhibitions, conferences, and other business activities organized by Tokyo Big Sight.
3.Perform tasks including sending information and necessary materials, confirming receipts, payment to parties that have applied for an exhibition, or conference organized by Tokyo Big Sight.
4.Perform surveys related to improving customer satisfaction, related to the planning and development of organizing an event, or providing building services.
5.Send the Tokyo Big Sight promotional magazine or invitations to Tokyo Big Sight organizing events.
6.When personal information is gathered for other purposes, the purpose of usage is clarified.
7.Comply with laws, directives, and guidance from governmental organizations.
3.Provision to Third Parties
Tokyo Big Sight will not provide or disclose personal information provided by customers to third parties except in cases where the customers’ consent is given or where the information must be supplied for legal reasons.
However, necessary personal information may be provided to the subsidiary company Big Sight Service Corp. for the purpose of providing a requested service.

Tokyo Big Sight may outsource the handling of personal information in order to fulfill the purpose of usage. The entrusted parties enter into a contract with the personal information protection protocols so that the handling of personal information continues to be managed and controlled.

5.Proper Management of Personal Information
Tokyo Big Sight takes appropriate safety measures for collected personal information to prevent unauthorized access, falsification, destruction, leakage, or loss. Employees who handle personal information are provided with training and educational activities to protect personal information.

6.Disclosure, Correction, or Deletion of Personal Information
Tokyo Big Sight endeavors to manage the latest and most accurate personal information.
Tokyo Big Sight will promptly comply with customer requests to check, change, or correct registered information, to stop providing services, or to delete registration.

7.Compliance to Laws and Other Standard Practices
Tokyo Big Sight practices the handling of personal information according to laws and other standard practices, and constantly strives to make improvements to the above activities.

Personal Information Protection Policy (PDF)
General Privacy Statement on the organization of trade fairs (PDF)

Questions and comments about personal information
Personal information management FAX:+81-3-5530-1222
General Privacy Statement on the organization of trade fairs
The below provides you with an overview concerning our collection and processing of your personal data as well as your rights under the privacy law and privacy policy of Tokyo Big Sight Inc., when conducting organization of trade fairs. EU Commission made an adequacy decision based on Article 45 GDPR to Japan on 23 January, 2019. Tokyo Big Sight Inc. manages your personal data in accordance with the framework for the adequacy decision agreed by Japan and EU.

Name and contact information for responsible person
The responsible party is:
Tokyo Big Sight Inc.
3-11-1 Ariake, Koto-ku, Tokyo 135-0063 JAPAN
FAX: +81-3-5530-1222

You can reach our data protection officer at:
Tokyo Big Sight Inc.
Personal information management
3-11-1 Ariake, Koto-ku, Tokyo 135-0063 JAPAN
FAX: +81-3-5530-1222

Purposes of processing the data
Tokyo Big Sight Inc., co-organizer, and its contractor process your registered personal data for the purposes as below, if you give us your consent.
(1)To satisfy contractual requirements
Tokyo Big Sight Inc., co-organizer, and its contractors may use personal information registered with consent
beforehand for the purpose of satisfaction of contractual requirements.
(2)To send e-mail newsletter
Tokyo Big Sight Inc. usually use email for provision of information related to exhibitions, conferences, and
other business activities organized by Tokyo Big Sight Inc.
(3)To answer the inquiry, if any
(4)Correspondence to the request, if any (e.g. providing the show brochure or
information, etc.)
(5)To introduce vendor/service provider for the exhibition
(6)To provide information from vendor/service provider for the exhibition
(7)To introduce seminar/event/exhibition
(8)To investigate and analyze access tendencies of official website of the respective
exhibition organized by Tokyo Big Sight Inc.

Recipients of the data
Only those who absolutely need your data to satisfy our pre-contractual, contractual and legal obligations or to communicate with you will receive access to said data. These can include:
・Tokyo Big Sight Inc.
・Co-organizer of the exhibition
・Contractors of respective exhibition organized by Tokyo Big Sight Inc.
・Data processor assigned by Tokyo Big Sight Inc.
・Exhibitors who utilize lead retrieval system at the respective exhibition organized by Tokyo big Sight Inc.
Additional data recipients can be those to whom you have given your consent for data transmission on a case-by-case basis.

Transmission to Japan
Japan has the adequacy decision by the EU Commission. With your consent or to satisfy contractual or legal obligations, we transmit data to Japan. Tokyo Big Sight Inc. manages personal data with appropriate protection measures such as identification and recognition of access, restriction, management of authorization, recording, measure for the malware, and safety measure at data transmission. You can get detail of measures with contact to Tokyo Big Sight Inc.

Categories of personal data concerned
Tokyo Big Sight Inc. will collect and process your personal information such as your name, name of company, section, position, address, phone number, fax number, e-mail address, country, and business category.

Duration of storage
Your data will be stored until our contractual obligations have been met. The data will be deleted if your knowledge is no longer necessary or if the purpose ceases to exist.

Your rights under the data privacy law
With respect to personal data concerning you, you have the right to access your information, rectification, erasure, restriction of processing, and data portability.
At any time you can revoke consent given to us to process your personal data with effect for the future.
EU residents also have the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory data protection authority according to Article 77 GDPR.

Your consent of data provision
Provision of personal data isn’t a statutory or contractual requirement, or a requirement necessary to enter into a contract. Data subject is not obligated for making contract. But you can’t register as exhibitor or visitor unless you provide your personal information required to fulfill on the form.

Automated decision-making including profiling
We do not use personal data for any automated decision-making including profiling to create or perform contractual relationships.

Encrypted transmission
The inquiry form of the respective exhibition organized by Tokyo Big Sight Inc. uses encrypted transmission via SSL for the purpose of personal data protection.

Implement appropriate measures
Tokyo Big Sight Inc. implements appropriate technical and organizational measures to ensure a level of
security appropriate to the risk.
Provision of Personal Information to Exhibitors and Joint Seminar Organizers
If any of the following conditions apply, it will be deemed that you have agreed to provide your registration information to the exhibitor, and your registered personal information will be provided to the exhibitor.
(1) If you agree to have your admission pass read at the exhibitor's booth in the JA2024 exhibition hall
(2) If you agree to have your admission pass read at joint seminars.

Information provided will be used and managed in accordance with the privacy policy of each exhibitor.
Please note that requests for disclosure, correction, deletion, or suspension of the use of personal information must be made directly to the exhibitor by the customer.